The Challenge
Post-discovery I found it extremely challenging to find information that applied to me. I didn’t even know that what I was going through had a name; that now I was a “Late Discovery Adoptee.” It was a roller coaster of emotions and I felt lost much of the time. That is the purpose of this page; to offer some guidance to those feeling lost on this journey.
Framework for the Unique LDA Journey
Below is a framework I've developed, based on conversations with LDA's and from my own experience. This maps the repetitive cycle of the LDA post discovery. The journey begins with Discovery, Floating and Confrontation; followed by Isolation, Exposure, Identity Confusion, and Trauma Awareness; next is Reaching Out and Gradual Recovery and Integration. Many LDA's find that discovery affects all aspects of their internal and external world. For most, the initial discovery is just the first of many discoveries as they search to piece together their story. Many re-cycle through parts of this journey with each additional discovery along the way. Scroll down for a more detailed description of each stage.
Common understanding of Grief and Loss process
The following description of the Grief and Loss cycle will probably feel familiar for many of you. However, I have made it more applicable to the LDA journey. Please keep in mind this emotional process is not linear! Each individuals experience is unique to them. Many LDA's find themselves looping through these repeatedly, and in no particular order, or perhaps skipping some all together. I consider much of this emotional processing as a part of the "Floating" stage listed above, although overlapping happens at various stages. Many LDA's report some form of "Floating" upon each new discovery of information, and at each step as they go along.
What is Expressive Arts? Why is it a useful Resource?
My Process Art
Below are some examples of process art I intuitively created while processing my discovery. Certain animals became reoccurring symbols for me.
The octopus, a symbol of camouflage, hiding, searching, clinging, self. The elephant, a symbol of family, the betrayal and unspoken secrets. The buffalo, a symbol of my own motherhood, compassion, and protection. During the creation of each one, I was processing issues and emotions related to my adoption, betrayal, grief and loss.