In honor of ourselves and each other, it is important to have a safe space to share our stories. This can be done verbally or visually using text, video, or pictures. Stories, poems, songs, videos, blogs, vlogs, pictures, paintings, and collage are welcome here. Please email your submission to me: and I with your permission I will add your work to this page. Please note this page will NOT be offering a “private” sharing option; if you wish to share privately I would suggest joining our FB group: Expressive Roots for LDA’s. I believe that it's important for us to have control over who sees our story, but also important to make some of our journey accessible to non-LDA's - parents, extended family members, teachers, therapists and other professionals as this is how we will help our communities to grow in their understanding of us.
"Public" Expressive Art Contributions:
Adoption is Adaption
The ability to adapt is as natural as breathing to an adoptee. As a baby the person who gave me life is gone. I adapt. My adoption is a private family matter never to be discussed. I adapt. My class has a genealogy assignment but I don't know my heritage. I adapt. A medical assistant hands me a family medical history form but I can't fill it out. I adapt. In the genetic mirror I see no reflection. Nobody looks or acts like me. I adapt. My family says I am betraying them because I yearn for answers. My family does not adapt. I adapt. The ability to adapt is one superpower of an adoptee. Adoption is Adaption. I am a warrior of the Adapted, fighting for understanding love. I adapt.
~ Written by Kendra Mackwitch and shared with permission